Friday, August 30, 2013

Lifestyle Post 1

Hi friends! As my description said, I didn't want my blog to be limited to just running because most of you probably don't give a flip. And that is OK! So I wanted to share some other things about myself.

This is my family in all of our Christmas card glory. My mom, Cathy, is a real sweetheart and is famous for her chocolate chip cookies. My dad, Mark, or as I like to call him, Chief, is the most humble guy I know. He's the Chief of the fire departments in my home town of Newton, Kan. And last but not least is my little brother Matt. He's almost a foot taller than I.

We also have a dog, Harvey. And he brings us lots of laughs.

I am a Zeta Tau Alpha at Washburn University, so even when I'm not home, I have a family up here too. I could dote on them forever but I won't, not now.

This is Bobby and I at Navy Pier in Chicago on the 4th of July.

When I'm not doing school, working out, or spending time with any and all of the people listed above, I like to bake or craft or spend countless hours on Pinterest. By no means am I a health nut, but I have been recently accused of being a healthy eater. So whatever that means. 

I'm in school to hopefully eventually become a news reporter for a TV station. My high school speech teacher told me he knew this was what I'd end up doing when I was a sophomore. I laughed it off. And here I am, 5 years later, in school to do exactly that. Everyone I know is really supportive of my dreams, and sometimes I get random numbers and email addresses of people they know that are in the Journalism field. I've been able to practice reporting a couple times here at WU, especially with the Leadership Institute! 

Well hopefully you know me a little better by now. I'd love to know who is actually reading this thing. So please, leave a comment! Tell me all about yourself and what your dreams are. Have a great Labor Day weekend!

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